Elements, Toronto — Bellyfit Marathon
April 5, 2010 by City Life Staff
Filed under People & Places
As a premier fitness chain new to our city, Elements, Toronto hosted its successful Bellyfit Marathon on Feb. 25th, 2010, in support of Gems of Hope, a not-for-profit organization committed to advancing the standard of living for marginalized women in developing countries. The pristine boutique-style club gleamed from floor-to-ceiling, creating a fabulous backdrop to such an outstanding event. Attendees generously donated to the worthy cause, while touring the fitness centre and learning about Bellyfit: a fusion of movements inspired by the science of Western fitness and the beauty of cultural dances, available exclusively at Elements, Toronto. www.elementsfitnesstoronto.com, www.gemsofhope.org
Photo: Armed with motivation and wide smiles, these Elements members try their hand at some exhilarating Bellyfit classes.
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