Movember: Let’s Get Physical
September 27, 2012 by Adam Garone
Filed under Health
What do you think of when you see a moustache? One hundred moustaches? How about 250,000 moustaches? Well, it’s that time of year again when Movember is upon us and, in addition to growing a moustache, it’s when we focus on men’s health, a time for public and private conversations on the health risks men face. It’s also a reminder to schedule your annual physical.
The dreaded annual checkup. It’s something a lot of guys think about but often don’t make the time to do it. Getting an annual check and preventative screening tests are among the most important things you can do to stay healthy.
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Andrea Marchini: A pep talk on early intervention
July 25, 2012 by Andrea Marchini
Filed under Health
Talk. Walk. Play. The job description of a child may sound simplistic, but babies are in fact involved in the very complex business of brain development.
At this exceptionally young age, babies are engaged in what is perhaps the most important occupation they will ever undertake — learning language. Children quickly discover that communication offers a precious connection to the world in which they can share their likes, needs and feelings, and socially bond with those they love. In fact, no skill will be more critical to a child’s well-being and success in life than the skill to communicate.
From the earliest moment, a baby stumbles across the discovery that a cry, gesture or babble are clever expressions of his needs and wants. By his first birthday, he has spent copious amounts of energy Read more
Golf Warmup – Above Par
June 14, 2012 by Dr. Stephanie Estima Galanis
Filed under Health, Special Features
Golf is an extremely athletic sport that requires almost every joint in your body to move in a coordinated dance, which starts from the back swing to the follow-through. Precision, power and flexibility are what separate good players from the great ones.
But what goes into developing a powerful swing while avoiding injury?
Most golfers will tell you that the controlled power you can generate from your swing is the key to a great game. Generating this maximal force while minimizing the impact on your joints is important. If you have poor posture and body mechanics, you are leaving yourself open to injury that will last beyond golf season. The best swings produce massive power but minimize the torsional (twisting) forces in the body, and specifically the torsion in the lumbar spine. In fact, the Read more
Joey Mazzucco, the Boy with the Fedora
December 1, 2011 by Michael Hill
Filed under Health, Special Features
When he was seven, Joey Mazzucco’s life was turned upside down by cancer. At an age when play is a child’s biggest concern, Joey was placed at the foot of an ominous mountain and told to climb. It was a demanding trek, but Joey refused to judge the journey as a tragedy. There was no time for self-pity, no use in lamenting. He donned his favourite fedora, embraced the power of optimism and climbed. Why? Because there was simply no other choice.
When Joey’s right shoulder began shooting with pain in the summer of 2009, a torn rotator cuff was thought to be the source. A visit to the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), however, revealed the tumour causing his duress, and Joey was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of bone cancer. Read more
City Life’s Professional Health guide
December 1, 2011 by Advertorial
Filed under Beauty, Health, Special Features

Dr. Marc DuPéré, Visage and AgeLess Clinics.
AgeLess Clinic, Becoming Age-Less
Science and art create a natural look at the AgeLess Clinic.
Modern cosmetic plastic surgery isn’t just nips and tucks. It takes the creative eye of an artisan to deliver that desired, untreated look. With over 20 years of experience, Joyce M. Palmer, owner and director of the AgeLess Clinic, explains that, “To achieve results that are really natural looking, the plastic surgeon has to be both technically and artistically skilled.”
Medical director of the AgeLess Clinic is Dr. Marc DuPéré, a board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon. He brings superb specialized skills and that creative talent to the AgeLess Clinic, which is essential for natural results. “He is considered an elite plastic surgeon,” says Palmer, noting that Dr. DuPéré’s accolades include graduating as a gold medalist from the McGill School of Medicine, Read more
Northern Karate Schools, the Ancient Way
December 1, 2011 by Advertorial
Filed under Health, lifestyle
There is an ancient Buddhist proverb that says, “When the student is ready, the Master appears.” If such is the case, Northern Karate Schools’ students must be well-prepared, as Hokama Tetsuhiro and Shiroma Kiyonori, both 10th dan Hanshi, graced them with their presence this past September.
“It was a great honour to have men of their stature visit our schools,” says Kyoshi Cos Vona, an instructor and sixth-degree black belt at Northern Karate. “It’s extremely rare to have experts of this calibre visit North America, let alone Canada.”
From the island of Okinawa, Japan, the birthplace of karate, Hokama and Shiroma both hold the rank of “Hanshi,” essentially a senior expert or grand master. Through demonstrations and lectures, these teacher-of-teachers shared their vast knowledge Read more
Feel Good with Yoga
October 20, 2011 by Martha Eleftheriou
Filed under Health, Web Exclusives
What is it about yoga that appeals to many people from a variety of backgrounds, ages and lifestyles? These days, yoga is as popular as any type of physical activity, such as running, spinning, weight training and boot camp. As such, yoga’s popularity is a result of a feeling one is left with at the end of a class. Like all good physical activity, one experiences freedom from stress as endorphins release to create a feeling of ease and relaxation; however, yoga also strives to bring peace and tranquility. Through a combination of poses, breathing and meditation, yoga teaches us how to access the peace and joy that at times is buried deep. Yoga not only provides a fantastic physical workout, but also delves deeper into the mind and spirit by promoting a union of these three elements. In Sanskrit, yoga means to yoke or unify; therefore the objective of yoga is to bring harmony and balance to the mind, body and spirit. Read more
Spice things up with Sheryl Crow
October 14, 2011 by Simona Panetta
Filed under Celebrity, Food, Health
If it makes you healthy, it can’t be that bad. Singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow was living the typical rock star life – on the road touring the world as she promoted her latest hits. Her influence on the music industry became undisputable, with nine Grammy awards and other accolades confirming her talent. During that time, though, she was eating on the run, ordering off hotel room service menus, and snacking on chips and Diet Coke in her dressing room. When jolted with the shocking news of breast cancer in 2006, Crow quickly changed her tune. “My cancer diagnosis was a real game changer for me … Never once in my life had I really considered what I put into my body as having a direct connection to my wellness,” she writes in her season-inspired cookbook If it Makes you Healthy (St. Martin’s Press, 2011). Co-authored by produce lover and chef Chuck White, their guide to good food is packed with vitamin and Read more
The Midwives Club
August 12, 2011 by Simona Panetta
Filed under Health
Lucy Sanna was pregnant with her second child when her maternal instincts for an alternative care option kicked in. She had mused about midwifery during her first pregnancy, but as other women before and after her, wasn’t so certain about its scope of practice. She wondered about its quality of care, safety and benefits. She wondered if there was a fee. Heeding the referrals of others, she placed a call to a midwifery clinic near her place of work in Etobicoke, Ont. “I was trying to figure out what to do. I have two cousins of mine who went with midwives as well, and they tried to convince me from the beginning with my first [pregnancy] to go, and the second time, I said, ‘that’s it, I’m going to do it,’” recalls the Bolton, Ont. resident. Nine months later, Sanna welcomed a full-term, healthy baby girl she and her husband named Mariah. Read more
Heart-to-Heart with KMH’s Neena Kanwar
August 12, 2011 by City Life Staff
Filed under Health, Success Story
On June 21st, 2011, Neena Kanwar validated to a throng of guests at the HSBC Great Canadian Woman Awards that anything is possible. At the time, she was being honoured for her inspiring entrepreneurial success by founding an independent health-care centre in 1988 with her husband, Vijay Kanwar, that has since become North America’s largest provider of nuclear cardiology. “Nobody should be able to tell you that you cannot succeed where others have failed,” says Neena.
With a family history of heart disease and a father who suffered two heart attacks in his 40s, Neena felt inclined to pursue a career in cardiology. In the early ’80s, she obtained a degree in nuclear medicine from the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology, which led to a position at St. Michael’s Hospital as a nuclear medicine technologist. It was there that she became perturbed by the long waits patients endured to see doctors, take tests Read more