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Audio One

October 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Ask the Expert

A10Clusters of plaques and certificates line the walls of Audio One’s impressive store, evidence of its audio/video expertise and commitment to staying on top of new trends in home entertainment technology. A charming black and white portrait of the D’Ascanio family also hangs from the wall of a meeting room, alluding to the origins of the company. In the photo, the D’Ascanio brothers, Anthony, Carlo and Gino, are surrounding their late father. The passing of their dad in 1985 acted as inspiration for the brothers to unite and found Audio One, one of Canada’s premier specialty retailers. “Audio One has been in business for 23 years, since 1986. We’re still a family-run business. And it really came from a passion for audio/video,” says Gino D’Ascanio. “I think one of the best things about working with family is that there is a high level of trust and confidence in each other. We’ve been at it so long, we’ve each found our own niches within the company.” Read more