Delicious Breads that rise to the Challenge
February 2, 2009 by Simona Panetta
Filed under City's Top

Villa Di Manno Bakery’s Rob Mendicino, vice president, and Joe Di Manno, president.
In all of its various forms and textures, bread has been hailed by countless cultures across the world as a highly respected source of nourishment. Emerging in the Neolithic era, rising from the depths of ancient Egyptian tombs, and playing a pivotal role in the Bible, bread is one of the world’s oldest prepared foods. It represented life, sustenance in its simplest form. Today, its uses are infinite. Its purpose is a matter of taste, something to be enjoyed. Whether you like taking in the aroma or savouring its flavour, the presence of bread is always comforting. “Dipping a piece of Calabrese bread in some olive oil and balsamic, with a little bit of cheese and a glass of Amarone – it doesn’t get any better than that,” reveals Joe Di Manno.
Since his teenage years working in the family business, Joe has always loved bread – not just eating it, but selling it. Today, he is the president of Villa Di Manno Bakery, a full-service manufacturing and wholesale establishment that delivers its delicious products across southern Ontario and the U.S. With its wide variety of bread products and highly anticipated Omega 3-enriched Read more