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100 Ways to Live to a Century

October 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Health

100 ways

Although living to 100 may seem unachievable to many, life expectancy in Canada is at an all-time high. According to Statistics Canada, men live to an average age of 78.3, and women to 83. Being conscious of the lifestyle choices you make today can extend the duration of your life in the future. Here are 100 ways to help you live longer and happier.

1. Take nothing for granted.
2. Accept your mistakes … everyone makes them.
3. Relax and detoxify your mind with meditation, hot yoga and tai chi.
4. Have a best friend. Camaraderie promotes happiness and can offer an avenue to vent frustrations.
5. Avoid greasy foods. They lack nutrition and will cause health problems down the road (common knowledge but still a problem).
6. Read a book (or 12). Read more