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Feel Good with Yoga

October 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Health, Web Exclusives

yogaWhat is it about yoga that appeals to many people from a variety of backgrounds, ages  and lifestyles?  These days, yoga is as popular as any type of physical activity, such as running, spinning, weight training and boot camp. As such, yoga’s popularity is a result of a feeling one is left with at the end of a class.  Like all good physical activity, one experiences freedom from stress as endorphins release to create a feeling of ease and relaxation; however, yoga also strives to bring peace and tranquility. Through a combination of poses, breathing and meditation, yoga teaches us how to access the peace and joy that at times is buried deep. Yoga not only provides a fantastic physical workout, but also delves deeper into the mind and spirit by promoting a union of these three elements. In Sanskrit, yoga means to yoke or unify; therefore the objective of yoga is to bring harmony and balance to the mind, body and spirit. Read more