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City Weddings

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Wedding Guide


Wed01. Dave & Charlotte Rely on cute and quirky photography duo Dave Biesse and Charlotte Leonard to capture every smile, tear and kiss on your wedding day. Their photographs aim to reflect the personality of each couple., 416.824.3238

2. L&J BRIDAL With over 30 years of experience, L&J Bridal has the expertise to outfit even the most challenging of bridezillas with the perfect gown., 905.459.9370

3. Ti Amo Decorating Create an ambience that is your very own with the help of special event decorating company Ti Amo Decorating. This establishment offers a sumptuous collection of linens, napkins, chair covers and table runners and also provides customized back drops and head tables., 905.264.0771

4. MARK LASH There are two major challenges involved with a marriage proposal: selecting a ring and convincing her to say “yes.” Turn to Mark Lash for gorgeous, customized engagement and wedding rings that Grace Kelly herself would have approved of., 1.866.881.5229

5. Etsy These vintage-inspired tags with twine ties add loads of charm to wedding trinkets and gifts.

6. Mideastro Can’t decide what cuisine to select for your rehearsal dinner? Get the best of two worlds at Mideastro, a restaurant that fuses Middle Eastern and Italian food., 905.889.0060

7. BESTOW Give this pink, silk-embroidered eye mask with sexy black lace trim to the bride-to-be as a shower gift. It’ll help her remain regal even during her REM cycle., 866.934.0258


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