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Zona Caffè

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under People & Places


PP_aug11 copyEmbracing the Slow Food Movement, Lina and Silvano DeRocchis stand behind the concept of indulging in fresh, scrumptious foods cooked one bite at a time. At any hour of the day, enjoy a meal and top it off with a smooth latte or espresso. Not to mention, Zona Caffè’s friendly atmosphere and modern décor will put you in the mood to take your time and savour the taste. Located at Jane Street and Rutherford Road.

ABOVE LEFT: The chicly modern Zona Caffè houses its hot table bar and exclusive Victoria Arduino espresso machine. ABOVE RIGHT: The business backbones of Zona Caffè, Lina and Silvano DeRocchis


One Response to “Zona Caffè”

  1. Peter & Madeline Di Paola on August 29th, 2010 3:05 pm

    To Lina and Silvano.
    Peter and I would like to thank-you for the tray of lasagna and veal cutlets in the sauce. that you made for our picnic on Aug15th. Everybody enjoyed it to max. Peter has been taking your food home on Saturdays when he has been working for Maple Toyota. We hope to be able to deal with you again for other occasions.
    Peter & Madeline Di Paola

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