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The Good Deeds Page, Chapter 1: Why Give?

August 12, 2011 by  
Filed under lifestyle


the power of giving bookExcerpt from The Power of Giving, by Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon (Tarcher, 2008).

There’s no denying that life in the 21st  century is demanding. There never seems to be enough time to do all the things that need to be done: keep up with work or studies, spend time with family, earn enough money to pay the rent and buy necessities. With so many challenges to cope with, you may ask yourself, “Why should I expend any effort in giving?” or “I’m already scrambling to deal with all the demands and pressures on me. How will I find time and resources to give more?” or “No one gives to me, so why should I give to others?”

Probably the biggest gift you will ever receive is the huge investment your parents made in you. But they are not the only ones who have given to you. During the course of your life you have received many things from other people – teachers, relatives, strangers. Schools and hospitals were built with the hard work and tax dollars of those who preceded you. In fact, almost everything you use in your life has been made by someone else. The peace that you enjoy has been delivered by the sacrifice of others. When you think about it, you know countless people who have made a difference in your life – some negative, some positive. Why not make a decision to have a positive impact on the lives of others, even if they are strangers?

City Life would like to express its gratitude by congratulating the following organizations for exercising their “Power of Giving.

Dimitri Giankoulas, Pure Motivation Fitness
Volunteer at Vitanova Foundation by offering motivation and fitness training classes.

Claudio Grisolia, Steeles Paint
Donated all the tools and paint to re-paint the gate and fence at Vitanova.

Silvain Clissa, Panera Breads
Has signed on to donate baked goods and bread to Vitanova and The Good Neighbours’ Club for clients to enjoy. Committed to donate his time by teaching baking classes at Vitanova.

If you or your organization would like to learn how to spread the power of giving, please email the publisher directly.
Remember: the more you give, the more you have!


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