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Local Talent Delivers

April 5, 2010 by  
Filed under People & Places


PP-Apr13On Jan. 10th, 2010, Vaughan residents Mark Pagliaroli and Antonio Ienco celebrated the successful premiere of their film Genesis, a story which is set three years after a nuclear world war. Audiences intently tuned into the story of character David Orwell, an officer whose duty is to shelter a group of small-town innocent civilians from a gang of criminals. Along with directors Pagliaroli and Ienco, actors Eli Martyr, Lina Franci and Christina Frondella worked long and hard over the course of two years to produce this mind-captivating film.

PHOTO: The cast and directors of Genesis enjoy themselves at their movie premiere. TOP: Actor Sirwrath Chhean, directors Mark Pagliaroli and Antonio Ienco; Lina Franci, actress BOTTOM: Actors Eli Martyr, Brian Gallacher and Christina Frondella.


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