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An Uncertain Tomorrow: Our Toxic Reality

April 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Green Living, Health

Humankind’s precarious future depends on what we’re doing to our bodies today.

After watching a recent CBC documentary called “The Disappearing Male,” I was shocked to discover not just what we’ve done to our planet, but what we’re doing to ourselves – and it’s affecting our very survival. It seems global warming isn’t our only worst enemy. Believe it or not, humankind is just beginning to discover a new threat, and it’s found in everyday products like canned goods, shampoos, baby bottles, and in our air and water. Some 90,000 man-made chemicals have been developed in the last 60 years, and now they’re slowly being linked to a major decline in male births. In the last 30 years alone, three million fewer baby boys have been born. This emerging issue, which few people have heard about, prompted me to ask some serious questions. Read more

Natural Nuptials

April 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Green Living, lifestyle

Ask yourself one question when planning every element of your wedding, from engagement ring to honeymoon: What is the most environmentally friendly alternative?

Tips from Mireya Navarro’s Green Wedding show that you can tie the knot with a different way of thinking. Consider:

▶ A green wedding avoids waste and excess
▶ Don’t make your guests travel long distances. Transportation-related pollution contributes to global warming.

Signature Developments: Making A Unique Mark On The Industry

April 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Green Living, Success Story

Whether you’re talking about a convertible roadster or a diamond necklace, most quality manufacturers offer one rare product. Created to enjoy all that life has to offer, it’s usually a special series that distinguishes itself, symbolizing a personal touch. But when it comes to Signature Developments – a builder and developer that takes pride in being unique, bold and eco-friendly – everything is one-of-a-kind.

With a rich history in the construction industry, Signature Developments is part of the Clearway Group of Companies. Founded just five years ago, the company uses a set of fingerprints as part of its branding. The green etched image conveys a hands-on, tailored product built with nature in mind. “We’re innovative and different in the way we think,” says Sebastian Mizzi, development manager and planner. “We bring a unique, customer-centric Read more

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